CRRU Supporters


The Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use is keen for those who use rodenticides responsibly, and in accordance with the CRRU code, to register their companies as CRRU Supporters.

While support for CRRU does not guarantee that responsible procedures are followed when rodenticides are used, it can indicate that a company has considered the importance of the points set out in the CRRU Code and agreed to conduct rodent management operations in accordance with the Code. These guidelines promote best practice in rodent control and help rural users get the best results from their rodent control programmes, at the same time as reducing to a minimum any potential harmful effects on wildlife.

A CRRU Supporter company is permitted to display the CRRU Think Wildlife logo with their business livery, and will also have their name listed on the CRRU Supporters’ Club webpage. A CRRU Supporter will not use that status as an endorsement for any products or specific services, but rather as an indication of their desire to be seen as a responsible user of rodenticides.


A1 Pest Service, Stirlingshire
A2B Pest Control Ltd, Hampshire
A + A Environmental LLP, Huddersfield
A & M Hawk UK Ltd, Surrey
A&R Pest Control, North Yorkshire
A R Pest Control, London
A.C.E Pest Control, County Durham
A-One Feed Supplements Ltd, North Yorkshire
AAA Pest Control Services, Lancashire
Aardvark Pest Control, Wigan
ABC 24/7 Pest Control, Swansea
ABComplete Pest Control, Gloucestershire
AB Pest Management, East Yorkshire
Abbotstone pest control, Hampshire
Abel solutions northern ltd, Durham
Absolute Pest Control Ltd, Kent
Absolute Pest Solutions, South Yorkshire
Aberkil, Aberdeen
ABM Pest Control, Nottinghamshire
Abate Pest Management, Norfolk
Aberdeen City Council, Aberdeen
Abington Pest Control, Northamptonshire
Acclaim Environmental, Northamptonshire
Ace In The Hole Ltd t/a Artemis Pest Services, Berkshire
ACT, Merseyside
ACT Pest Control, West Sussex
Action for the River Kennet (ARK), Wiltshire
Ace Pest Control Scotland, Fife
Acer pest control
Acorn Pest and Country Services, Norfolk
Acheta Consulting Ltd, Loughborough
Action Pest Management, North Yorkshire
Acurat Services, Derby
Adam’s Pest Control, Reading
Admiral Pest Management Ltd., Essex
Adam Harrison Pest Control, Norwich
Adept Pest Consultancy, North Lanarkshire
Adaptive Pest Control, Midlothian
Adrian Banks, Lancashire
ADS Integrated Pest Management, Hampshire
Advantage Environmental, Essex
Advanced Pest Control Ltd, oxon
Advanced Pest Control Specialists, Warwickshire
Afterpest Services Limited, Nottinghamshire
AG Environmental health, West Yorkshire
Agri – Wildlife Management Herefordshire, Hereford
A.D Pink Pest Control, Kent
Aim Pest Control Ltd, Suffolk
Air Wolf Professional Pest Control Management, Cambridgeshire
AJ Southgate Pest control, Suffolk
AJJ Professional Pest Prevention, North Yorkshire
Aktiv Pest and Hygiene Company Ltd, Lincs
Aktiv Pest Control, Bedfordshire
Al Environmental Services, West Midlands
Alan Llewellyn Lancashire, Manchester
Alan Waterhouse Mole Trapping & Pest Control, Oxon
Albert Morton, West Yorkshire
ALLBROOK Pest Control, East Leigh
All-gone pest control
All Aspects property Services, Berkshire
All Clear Pest Control (southern) Limited, Dorset
All Clear Pest Control, Dorset
All Pest Solutions, Kent
Allpests, Barnstaple
Alpha Pest Control, Staffordshire
AM Shooting Services, Ross-shire
Ambassador Environmental Services, Kent
Amen Environmental, Newport
Amicus FM, Lincolnshire
AMS Pest Control, Worcestershire
Andy Law Pest Control, Perth
Anevo Environmental Services Ltd, Essex
Anglia Pest Management, Suffolk
Anti-Pest Environmental Services, Merseyside
APC Environmental Services, Berkshire
APS pest control, Norfolk
APSL, Greater London
Apec Ltd, Suffolk
ApestPro, Bury St Edmunds
Apex Pest Control​, East Sussex
Apex Pest Control, Kent
ARI Pest Control & Wildlife Management Services, Carmarthenshire
ARK Pest Control Ltd, Kent
Area Pest Control UK Ltd, Bedfordshire
ARI Pest Control & Wildlife Management Services, Carmarthenshire
Aries Pest Control, Staffordshire
Ark Environmental Services UK LLP, Greater London
Armour Pest Control, Shipton-under-Wychwood
Arnies Pest Management, South Yorkshire
Arrow Plant and Tool Hire Ltd, Herefordshire
Artemis FMC Ltd, South Wales
AS Pest Control Solutions, Nottinghamshire
ASA Pest Control, Kent
Ashford Pest Control, Kent
ASL Environmental Services, Cheshire
Asland Pest Control Services, Lancashire
Associated Pest Control Ltd, Herts
Assured Pest Control, Buckinghamshire
Atkinson Pest Control Ltd, Penrith
Atomic Pest Control, Bedfordshire
Attrap Pest Control, Nottinghamshire
ATMM Pest Control, Gloucestershire
Atlas Environmental Services Ltd, Lancashire
Aurora Environmental Solutions Ltd, Essex
Aveland Pest Solutions, Lincolnshire
Avenge Pest Control, Oxford
Avenue pest maintenance, Northants
Avian Bird Control Services Ltd, Essex
Avian Bird Control Services Ltd, Suffolk
Axial Pest Control, West Yorkshire
Avian Environmental Solutions, West Sussex
Avian Pest Solutions Ltd, Edinburgh


Babolna Bioenvironmental Centre Ltd, Hungary
Bargoed Pest Control, Caerphilly
Barricade Pest Control Limited,
Barnoldswick Pest Control, Lancashire
Barron Pest Control, Somerset
Basingstoke Mole Catcher, Hampshire
Bawcro Pest and Vermin Control, West Yorkshire
Bayer PLC, Cambridge
BDS Pest Control Ltd, Essex
Beacons Environmental Ltd, Monmouthshire
Beamish Pest Control Services, Durham
Beaver Pest Control, London
Beddlestead, Surrey
Beekind Pest Control Ltd, Somerset
Bell Laboratories, Suffolk
Ben Finnemore, Cornwall
Best4pest Ltd, Wiltshire
BFG Pest Management, Lincolnshire
Bh pest control ltd, Buckinghamshire
Bioguard Environmental, West Sussex
Bird and Pest Solutions Ltd, Kent
Bio-Blight Environmental, Somerset
BioPest Management Ltd, Surrey
Bio Pest, Kent
Blaby Pest Control, Leicestershire
Black Rat Pest Control, Devon
Blue Sky Pest Control, Greater Manchester
Blue Skys Falconry & PC Ltd, Lancashire
Bon Accord Pest Control Ltd, Aberdeen
Border Control, Warwickshire
Border Pest Control, Cumbria
Bounty Pest Control, Kent
Bowman Services Pest Control and Bird Proofing, Kent
Boycies Bristol and Bath Pest Control
Bracknell Pest Control, Berkshire
British Pest Control Association, Derbyshire
Bridgend Pest Control, Glamorgan
Bridgnorth Pest Control, Shropshire
Broadsword Pest Control, Hampshire
Bromley Pest Control, Kent
Brown & Son Pest Control, Northumberland
Bruce Environmental Services, Inverness
BTP Environmental Services Ltd, Buckinghamshire
Bucks Pest Control, Bucks
Buckinghamshire Pest Control
Bugs N Things Pest Control Ltd, Bedfordshire
Bye Bye Pests, Hampshire


C2C Pest Control & Environmental Services, Lancashire
C&R Pest Management, Bedfordshire
Caithness Pest Control, Caithness
Calderdale Council, West Yorkshire
Canterbury Pest Control, Kent
Catchem Pest Control, Essex
Capital Pest Control, Malta
Castle Pest Control Services, Norfolk
Cavalry Pest Solutions, Lancashire
Cedarpest, Sothampton
Cedar Pest Management, Staffordshire
Charlton Pest Control Ltd, West Midlands
CHBC Bird and Pest, Bury
Check Pest Control, Berkshire
Cheshire Pest Control Services, Cheshire
Cheshire Pest Solutions, Cheshire
Chilterns DMG, Middlesex
Chris Sansom Pest Control, Shropshire
CIEH National Pest Advisory Panel, London
Cinque Ports Pest Control, Kent
Cityspec Specialist Pest Management Solutions Ltd, Surrey
CJ Pest Control, Oxford
Clean and Pest Solutions, Merseyside
Cleankill Pest Control, Surrey
Clearlands Pest and Wildlife Management, Greater Manchester
ClearView Pest Control, Brora
Clearview Pest Control, Norfolk
Clearway Environmental Services Ltd, Kent
CMPC, Cornwall
CnG Falconry & Pest Solutions, Warwickshire
Command Pest Control Ltd, Suffolk
Complete Pest Management, West Midlands
Comet Pest Control Services, South Yorkshire
Comtec Service Ltd, Malta
Command Pest Control, Suffolk
Contego Environmental Services Ltd, Chilton
Control2Conserve Pest Control, Cheshire
Control Pest Delete, Norwich
Control Pest Solutions, Norfolk
Control Pest UK Ltd, Hampshire
Control Services Limited, Berkshire
Cooper Pest Solutions, East Sussex
Copley Pest Solutions, West Yorkshire
Countrywide Bird and Pest Solutions Ltd, Dorset
Countrywide Environmental Services, Berkshire
Country Pest Control, Berkshire
Country Solutions Ltd, Stockport
Covkill Pest Control, Wiltshire
CreatureLess Comfort, Kent
Criag Morris Countryside Services, Hampshire
CritterKiller Pest Control, Northamptonshire
Critters be gone, Essex
Cropaid International Limited, Essex
Cross Pest Control Services Ltd, Hertfordshire
Crystal Pest Control UK
CSS Pest Services Limited, Derbyshire
Cumbria Wildlife Management, Cumbria
Cunningham Pest Control, North Lanarkshire
CW Environmental Services, Devon


D S Pest Control, Essex
D. Sankey Pest Control, East Sussex
D & M Pest Control, UK
D Harvey Pest Control, Kent
Dalpest Pest Solutions, Cambridgeshire
Dalton Engineering Ltd, North Yorkshire
Dartmoor Countryside Services, Devon
Daw Pest Control Services, Hertfordshire
DBM Pest Management, Essex
DJB Pest Control, Staffordshire
Deadbug pest control ltd, Gateshead
Dealey + Associates, Suffolk
Dealey Environmental, Suffolk
Deana Jamieson Pest Control, Radstock
Deana Jamieson Pest Control, Somerset
Delta Pest Control, West Midlands
Denis Froud pest control Services, Oxfordshire
Derby City Council, Derbyshire
Derbyshire Site Services, Derbyshire
DG Pest Control Solutions, East Yorkshire
Diamond Pest Management, Kent
Direct Pest Control, Huddersfield
Dicko Pest Control, Norfolk
Discount Pest Control, Suffolk
DJL Pest Solutions, Grantham
DKA Pest Control, Devon
Domestic Services, Essex
Dragon Pest Control and Vermin Control, Monmouthshire
DS Services, Gloucestershire
Dunn and Dusted Pest Control Ltd, Gloucester
Dunstone Pest Control, Norfolk
Durham County Council, Durham


Eastern Counties Pest Control, Essex
Eastwick Pest Control Solutions, Hertfordshire
East Anglian Pest Control Limited, Suffolk
East Anglian Wildlife Management, Suffolk
East Kent Pest Control, Kent
East Riding Pest Control Limited, East Yorkshire
East Yorkshire Pest Control, Nottinghamshire
ECH Pest Solutions, Essex
Ecoguard Pest Solutions Limited, Essex
Ecolab, UK
Economical Solar Ltd, Essex
Ecopest, Kent
EcoShield, Lancashire
Ecotech Pest Control Ltd, Berkshire
Eden Project, Cornwall
Edwards Bird Control, Norfolk
Effective Pest Management, North Yorkshire
EKO Services, Derbyshire
Eko Environmental Services & Pest Control, South Yorkshire
Elford Environmental Services, Hampshire
Eliminate Pest Control Ltd, Daventry
Eliminator Pest Control, West Glamorgan
Elite Support Services [London] Limited, London
EM Pest Control, Leicestershire
Emwood Pest Control Services, Surrey
ENPest/Webbers Wildlife Services, Dumfries & Galloway
Enserve Corporation Ltd, North Yorkshire
Entomol Ltd, Belfast
Envirocare Group, Middlesex
Enviroguard Pest Control Limited, Cumbria
Environclear, Glasgow
Environmental Online Ltd, London
Environmental Pest Control, West Midlands
Enviro-Pro Pest Control Ltd, Somerset
EnviroK9, lincolnshire
Envirotec Group Ltd, Wiltshire
Envirowell, Surrey
EPC Domestic Pest Control Products Ltd, Lincolnshire
EPB Control, Essex
EPC Evans Pest Control Lavenham, Suffolk
EPC services, Hampshire
Eradica Pest Control, Kent
Eradicate, Lincoln
Eradipest Ltd, West Sussex
Eraserpest, Suffolk
Errington Park Pest Control Ltd, Cleveland
EverSafe Pest Solutions LTD, Basford Grange Farm Leek, Staffordshire
Evolution Environmental, Hertfordshire
Evolution Pest Control, Lancashire
Evolution Pest Solutions, Lancashire
Ex-Pest, Boldon Colliery
Exe Valley Pest Control, Devon
Exopest Ltd, Cleveland
Exopest UK Pest Control Services, Derby
Express Pest Control, Norfolk


F & D Pest Control, West Yorkshire
Farm@ Garden Contracts, West midlands
Farm Train, Gloucestershire
Farnborough Pest Control Ltd, Hampshire
Feakins Pest Solutions, Kent
Felix NI, DOWN
Fen Tiger Pest Control, Lncolnshire
Fen Warreners Pest Control, Norfolk
Fenfarm Pest Control, Lincolnshire
Fenland Environmental Services, Cambridgeshire
Field Pest control, Cambridgeshire
Field Services Southwest Ltd, Cornwall
Fife Environmental Services, Scotland
Firebug Pest Control & Falconry Response, Suffolk
First Call Pest Management, Worcestershire
First Enviro Ltd, Lancashire
First Pest Control, Northamptonshire
Firstguard Pest Control, Kent
Fix my Pests Ltd, Torfaen
Flytech Pest Control Solutions, Belfast
Forest Falconry and Pest Control, Hampshire
Forestlake Pest Control, Hampshire
Forrest Environmental Services, Nottinghamshire
Foyleview Pest Control, Belfast
Fqsm Ltd, London
Fred Walter & Sons LTD, Nottinghamshire
Frosts Pest Control Ltd, Buckinghamshire
Fur, Feather & Bug Pest Control, Hertfordshire


Gavin Sands, Yorkshire
GB Pest Control, Cambridgeshire
GB Pest Management Ltd, West Midlands
G & S Pest Control Ltd, Essex
GDH Pest Services, Cumbria
G H Pest Control, Guildford
GH Pest Control, Surrey
G.M.S Pest Control, Bucks
General Control, Greece
G P Pest Management Ltd, West Midlands
G.P. Engineering, Yorkshire
G.S Pest Control, West Sussex
Go 2 Property Services Ltd, Surrey
Good News Pest Solutions, Essex
Good Knight Pest Control, Isle Of Wight

Godfrey Pest Control, Oxfordshire
Godfrey Pest Management, Oxfordshire
Goldsmith Agricultural & Leisure Suppliers Ltd T/A Equiwarehouse, Lincolnshire
Gooch Group Ltd, Gloucestershire
Gordon Webster, Tyne & Wear
Graham Pest Control, Perthshire
Grainger Pest Control, Cambridgeshire
Granite City Pest Control, Aberdeen
Greenfield Pest Control, Derbyshire
Greengrass Mole Control, Durham
Green Pastures Pest Solutions, Lancashire
Greenbelt Environmental Services Ltd, Lancashire
Greener Ways Services Ltd, Vale of Glamorgan
Greenlab Pest Control, West Midlands
Greenleaf Pest Control Services, Essex
Greystones Pest Control, Wiltshire
Guardian Pest Management, Cheshire
Guardian Pest Control, Somersert
Guest & Sons Ltd, Kent


Habitat Assessment & Restoration Ltd, Edinburgh
Hamelin Pest Limited, Herefordshire
Hampshire Wildlife & Pest Control, Hampshire
Harrier Pest Prevention, Lancashire
Harris Pest Control Ltd, Kent
Harry Jackson Pest Control, Worthing
Haslam Wildlife Management,
Hatfield’s Pest Management, South Yorkshire
Hawkflyer bird & pest control, Northamptonshire
Hawking About Bird & Pest Management, West Sussex
Hawk Environmental Solutions, Carmarthenshire
Heisig Pest Control, Berkshire
HelpMePestControl, West Sussex
Henden Pest Services, Kent
Heritage Pests, Essex
HES Pest Control Ltd, Derbyshire
HF Pest & Bird Control, Sevenoaks
Hillsbans Pest Control Limited – Isle of Wight
Hillside Pest Control, Burton-on-Trent
Hinton Pest Control Limited, Worcestershire
Holy Moley Mole Control, North Yorkshire
Hope’s Pest Solutions, Bovingdon
Howlett Pest Control, Surrey
HPC Pest Control Ltd, Derbyshire
Hullternative Pest Control ltd, West Midlands
Hyndburn Borough Council, Lancashire


i4 Pest Control, Hampshire
Ian Cox Pest Solutions, Gloucestershire
Ian Gall Pest Control, Rugby
Ibbotson’s Pest Management, West Yorkshire
Imperium Environmental, Monmouthshire
Imperium Facilities Management LTD
Inoculand Limited, London
Insecta Pest Solutions Ltd, Essex
Insect Rodentkill, Yorkshire
Instinctive Wildlife Management, Essex
Integrated Pest Management, Middlesex
Intercleanse Pest Control Ltd, West Sussex
Interpest Ltd, Hunwick
Ionian Environmental, Greece
Irshad Pest Control, Abu Dhabi
Isca Pest Control, Devon


J & P Martin, Somerset
Jack Black Pest Control Services Ltd, London
Jackson’s Pest Control, Cheshire
JL Pest Control Ltd, East Sussex
J&J Pest Prevention, East Sussex
JCB Environmental Services, Middlesex
JFD Field Biologist, Derbyshire
JID Group Services, Kent
JG Environmental, Buckinghamshire
Jillian Sands, Yorkshire
J.C. Pest Control, Norfolk
John Crouch Wildlife, Norfolk
John Dowling Falconry Ltd, Gloucestershire
John Fiddes Ltd, Northumberland
John O’Connor (GM) Ltd, Hertfordshire
JR Pest Control, Northamptonshire
JW Pest Control, Staffordshire


Kapow Pest Control, Somerset
Kemkill Environmental, Nottingham
Kenilworth Pest Control Ltd, Warwickshire
Kent Pest Services, Kent
Kent Wildlife Pest Control, Kent
Kentish Environmental Services, Kent
Kerry Pest Control, Norfolk
Kevin Mulhern Pest Control Services, Scottish Borders
Key West Pest Control, North Yorkshire
Killtech Pest Control, Wiltshire
Killsect Ridentkill – North Yorkshire
Kill Bill Pest Control, Dorset
Killpro Ltd, Devon
Kingston Farm Supplies, Herefordshire
Knaresborough Pest Control, Knaresborough
KPN wasp control, Surrey
Krypton Environmental, Oxfordshire


Landcare Rodent Control, Sir Fynwy
Lancaster City Council Pest Control Services, Lancs
Landguard Ltd, Yorkshire
Leeds City Council, Leeds
Leeds City Council – Pest Control, West Yorkshire
Leo Pest Control Environment Services Limited, Herefordshire
Lester Bird and Pest Solutions Ltd, Dorset
Letchworth Pest Control, Hertfordshire
Lifetec Ltd – Pestman, Surrey
Lincspest Ltd, Lincolnshire
Lion Pest Control Ltd, Devon
Little & Large Pest Control ltd, Essex
Little Miss Pest Control, Norfolk
Little Monster Environmental Pest Control, St Albans
LBS Pest & Wildlife Solutions, Nottinghamshire
LK Pestaway, Buckinghamshire
Local Pest Control, Leicestershire
London Pest Control Services, Middlesex
Low Cost Pest Control, Leicestershire
LRC Environmental Ltd, Suffolk
Lucks Pest Control, Kent
LW Pest Control, Somerset
Lynx Pest Control, Lincolnshire


MM’s Pest Management, Essex
Mac Pest Control Services, Birmingham
Macro Pest Control Limited, Kent
Maggs Pest Control, Gwent
Majestic Wildlife Management, Driffield
Malpass Pest Solutions, Staffordshire
Malum Ltd, Southampton
Manor Environmental Services, Nottinghamshire
Mantis Pest Solutions Ltd, Lanarkshire
Manx Environmental Services, Isle of Man
Manx Pest Control, Isle of Man
Mark Brown, Derry
Mark the mole man, York
Martin Dore, Oxfordshire
Medway Council, Kent
Menco Environmental Services, Midlothian
Merlin Environmental Solutions Ltd, Surrey
M.E.S Pest Prevention Limited, Daresbury
MDC Environmental, Bridgend
Michael Jamieson, Essex
Mitchell and Williams ltd, Gloucestershire
Midland Agricultural Supplies, Nottinghamshire
Mids Pest Control Ltd, Hertfordshire
Mid Suffolk Pest Control, Suffolk
Middlesbrough Council, Teeside
Mike Vickers Pest and Woodworm Control, Oxon
Milgi Mole & Pest Control, Pembrokshire
Mission Pest Control Limited, Wiltshire
Mitch Wilson Pest Control, Fife
Mitie Pest Control Ltd, Gloucestershire
MJ Pest Management, Denbighshire
MJ Pest & Vermin Control, Worcestershire
Mole Control & Pest Services, Norfolk
Mole Management, Bolton
Monitor Pest Control Ltd, Kent
Moor Service Pest Control, North Yorkshire
Moorside Farm Supplies, North Yorkshire
MozzyMak Pest Control, Lincolnshire
MP Environmental, Kent
MP Pest Control West Wales, Ceredigion
MPC Pest Control, Surrey
M.R Pest Control, Surrey


Natalie Stanford, Broxbourne
National Pest Technicians Association, UK
Nature in Balance, Surrey
N E Pest Control, Kent
Neogen Europe Ltd
Newton Pest Control, Suffolk
Nex pest control, Hertfordshire
NBC Bird and Pest Solutions, Norfolk
Niton Pest Control, Isle of Wight
NG Pest Control Ltd, Nottinghamshire
NI Pest Control & Proofing, Belfast
Non toxic pest management solutions, Norfolk
Norfolk & Norwich Pest Control, Norfolk
Norfolk Pest Solutions
Northdowns Pest Control Ltd, Surrey
Northumberland County Council, Northumberland
Northumbria Pest Control, Hexham
North Cornwall Pest Solutions, Cornwall
North East Falconry, Tyne And Wear
Norwest Environmental Scotland, Stirlingshire
Norwich Rat Control, Norfolk
No-Nonsense Pest Control, Dorset
NPTA, Nottinghamshire
NRS Pest Control, North Yorkshire
NRC Pest Control & Wildlife Management, Somerset


Old Bills Pest Control, Amersham
On Target Environmental Pest Control, North Lincolnshire
On Time Pest Control, Middlesex
Oneland Global Solutions Pvt Ltd, India
Opkill Ltd, West Midlands
Optima Environmental Services, Dundee
Orbis Protect Limited, Uxbridge
Orchard Park Farms, Somerset
Orkney Pest Control Services, Orkney
Orswell Environmental Solutions, Devon
Oxfordshire Pest Control, Oxford


P & P PEST CONTROL LTD, Monmouthshire
Pauls pest control, Hertfordshire
PJQ Services, Darcy Spillcare, North Wales
Paul Sharp, Berkshire
PDR Pest Control Ltd, Norfolk
Pegasus Pest Control, Somerset
Pegasus Ten Pest Control, Buckinghamshire
Peledex, Bedfordshire
Pendle Environmental Services ltd, Lancashire
pest2go, Northamptonshire
Pest-A-Lance, London
Pest and Wildlife Management, Wiltshire
Pest-Off, East Sussex
Pest-Patrol, Sevenoaks
PEST-SHIELD, Tyne & Wear
Pest-Spec Ltd., Gloucestershire
Pestbgone, Gloucestershire
Pest Doctor, Shropshire
PCS Environmental, Nottinghamshire
P.E.S.T, Wiltshire
Pesky Critters, Berkshire
Pest Action LTD, Staffordshire
Pest and Vermin Control, London
Pest Clear UK, Edgware
Pest Company, East Sussex
Pest Control Bucks, Buckinghamshire
Pest Control Environmental, Carmarthenshire
Pest Control, Exeter
Pest Control Hub, London
Pest Control Local, Essex
Pest Control Mid & South Wales Ltd, Carmarthenshire
Pest Control MK, Milton Keynes
Pest Control Powys, Powys
Pest Control Services, Shropshire
Pest Control Services Ltd, Warwickshire
Pest Control Services, Woolaston
Pest Control Supplies Ltd, Warwickshire
Pest Control Team Midlands, Shropshire
Pest Control and Wildlife Management Services, Cheshire
Pestcure ltd, London
Pest DETECTIVE, Lincolnshire
Pest Detective, Suffolk
Pest Guard North West Ltd, Manchester
Pest ID, Essex
Pest in Peace, Cheshire
Pests Insider, Vietnam
Pest Logic, Dorset
Pest Management BG Ltd, Bulgaria
PEST MORTEM, Hertfordshire
Pest NI, Northern Ireland
Pest Pro Environmental Services Ltd, Tyne and Wear
Pest Professionals, Northamptonshire
Pest Relief, Worcester
Pest Rescue Lindon, Middlesex
Pest Right, Cambridgeshire
Pest Right Enviornmental Services, London
Pest Solution, Suffolk
Pest Solutions Pest Control, East Sussex
Pest Solutions Peterborough Limited, Peterborough
Pest Solutions South West, Somerset
Pest Stop LTD, Nottinghamshire
Pest Team, Worcestershire
Pest Tech Environmental Services, Swansea
Pestassess Ltd, Staffordshire
Pestaway NW Ltd, Greater Manchester
Pestcall, East Sussex
Pestocatch LTD, London
Pestek, Monmouthshire
Pestend, Berkshire
Pestfix, Littlehampton
Pestforce Cardiff, Caerphilly
Pestforce Cheshire, cheshire
Pestforce Cornwall, Cornwall
Pestforce East London, Essex
Pestforce Halifax & Huddersfield, West Yorkshire
Pestforce Herts, Royston
Pestforce Marlborough and Hungerford, Wiltshire
Pestforce Peterborough, Lincolnshire
Pestforce RH, Surrey
Pestforce Watford, Hertfordshire
Pestforce (West London) Ltd, Berkshire
Pestforce West London, Middlesex
Pestforce West Yorkshire
Pestforce South Yorkshire, South Yorkshire
Pestforce Swindon and Newbury , Wiltshire
Pestguard, Lincolnshire
Pesttech Pest Control, Datchworth
Pestech Pest Control Solutions, Herts
Pestek Pest Control, Leeds
Pesky pests southwest, Avon
Pestex Services, Stafford
Pestforce Leicestershire, Leicestershire
Pestguard, County Durham
Pestguard Environmental Services, Lancashire
Pestguard Lincolnshire, Lincolnshire
Pestkill Ltd, Southampton
Pestline Ltd, London
Pestology Pest Management, Worcester
Pestokill Environmental (CI) Ltd, Jersey
Pestproof Ltd, Manchester
Pestrap, London
Pestsolve Environmental Solutions, Derbyshire
PestSTOP, Midlothian
Pestway services, Derbyshire
PestWise, Andover
Pest-a-lance, London
Pest & Knotweed Solutions Limited, London
Pest Free 24/7, London
Pest King, Dundee
Pest Right Environmental Services, Essex
Pied Piper Pest Control Bridgnorth, West Midlands
Pied Piper Pest and Wildlife Management, Midlands
Pied Piper Northern, Cumbria
Pinpoint Environmental Services, Middlesex
Piper Pest Management, Walsall
Pghbeegone Highgate, London
Phoenox, Pest Control, Caerphilly
PLA Pest Control, Denbighshire
Plains Services, Nottinghamshire
Posh Pest, Devon
Positive Environmental Ltd, Hereford
Portland Pest Control, Watford
Porters Pest Control, Lambeth
PPM Services Pest Control, Lincolnshire
Predator Pest Solutions, Surrey
Precision Consulting, West Yorkshire
Precision Pest Management Solution Ltd, UK
Premier Pest Services and Solutions Ltd, Lincolnshire
Prestige Pest Management, Wiltshire
Prestwich Pest Control, Manchester
Prime Target Pest Control, Kent
Priors Pest Control Ltd, Essex
Private Pest Care Ltd, Middlesex
Proactive Pest Prevention, Dorset
Proactive Pest Solutions Ltd, Clwyd
Procare Environmental Services, East Midlands
Proof It Solutions Ltd, Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire
ProGerm Pest Control, Surrey
Prokill, Dorset
Prokill Uk Limited, Gloucestershire
Propest Solutions Ltd, Redruth
ProStop Pest Control, Greater Manchester
Protec Pest Control, Manchester
Protego Pest Control, Tonbridge
Pro-Pest Services, Essex
Pure Pest Solutions, Anglesey
Pure Value Trading Ltd, London
PWS Pest Control, West Yorkshire


Queen Bee Pest Management, Lincolnshire
Quick Pest Management, Sheffield
Quick Pest Control Limited, Ilford
Química de Mungia, Spain


RTC UK LTD Trading as Prokill Birmingham South East, West Midlands
R and A Environmental, Essex
R J Hartley Environmental, Wiltshire
Rabbit 360 Wildlife Control Ltd, Hampshire
Radar Pest Control, Lancashire
Raidokill Ltd, Middx
Rapid Pest Control, Berkshire
Rat ‘n Mole Man, Shropshire
Ratcure, North Somerset
Ratatak, Norfolk
Rattraxs Pest Control Services, Derbyshire
Rat Pak Engineering Ltd, Lincolnshire
RBB Environmental
Recon Pest Control, Greater Manchester
Recti-Fly Pest and Bird Control, Surrey
Red Rose Pest Control Services, Lancashire
Red Tail Pest Control Ltd, Hertfordshire
Reeves Pest Management Services, Orkney
Regional Environmental Services, Wiltshire
Removapest, Leicestershire
Resolve Pest Control Ltd, England
Resolvapest, Lancashire
Richmond Pest Control, Essex
Riddance UK Ltd, Cheshire
Rhino Pest Management, Derbyshire
Rightkill Pest Control Services, Avon
Riviera Pest and Falconry Services, Devon
R.J. Services- “The Pest Pros”, West Sussex
RKD Pest Control Specialists, Nottinghamshire
RM Pest Management Services, East Lothian
RoAn Pest Management, Derbyshire
Roe Valley Pest Control, Derry
Rodent master pest control, Hertfordshire
Rodent Service (E.A) Ltd, Suffolk
Rodentokill, Devon
Rogers Pest Control, Wales
Rokill, Hampsire
Rostrons Pest Control, Berkshire
RS Pest Control Ltd, Portsmouth
RSA Pest Management Services, Suffolk
Rural Pest Control, Derbyshire
Rural pest management Ltd, Oxfordshire
Russell’s Country Store Ltd, Stirlingshire


Safeguard Pest Control & Environmental Services LTD, Kent
SafeHands Pest Control, Tyne & Wear
Schram Plants Ltd
Scotcare Environmental Services, Scotland
SDK Environmental Ltd, Devon
SDR Conservation, East Sussex
Seahaven Limited, East Sussex
S J Pest Control, Newport
S K Pest Control, Gloucestershire
SNP Pest Control, Leicester
Safecare Pest Control, North Somerset
Safesite Environmental Limited, Cheshire
Saltire Pest Control, Scotland
Sericata Environmental Services, Kent
Servicecare, Porth, Wales
Scottish Wildcat Action, Scotland
Scotts Environmental Services Limited, Warwickshire
Sentario UK Limited, Hertfordshire
Shawyers, Hampshire
Shield Pest Control UK Limited, London
Shield Pest Management, North Yorkshire
Shire Pest Solutions, Oxfordshire
Shropshire Pest Control, Shropshire
SK Ward Pest Control Services Ltd, Cambridgeshire
SkillsPassport, Hampshire
Skirmish Pest Control, Lincolnshire
SJ Pest Control Ltd, Suffolk
Smallwood Pest Solutions, Kent
SMB Rural Services, Worcestershire
Soham Pest Control, CambridgeshireSouth Wales And Cardiff Pest Control, Caerphilly, Wales
Soil Fertility Solutions, Nottinghamshire
Sonville Environment, Midlothian
South Ribble Borough Council, Preston
South Staffordshire Environmental
South West Pest Management Services Limited, Bristol
Space Invaders Pest Control, East Sussex
Specialised-NI, Co Down
Spence Pest Control Management, Winchester
Spire pest control, Derbyshire
Spotlight Pest Control Services ltd, Kent
Squeak-a-Boo Pest Management, Somerset
Step Pest Control, Suffolk
Steve Bishop Pest Control Services, Somerset
Stingerz Pest Control, Exeter
Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council, Lancashire
Stonefield Service’s, Tonbridge
Stratton Pest Control, Hertfordshire
Stronghold Pest Control Ltd, Berkshire
Suddenstrike Ltd, Cheshire
Sue Baker Pest Control, Worcestershire
Superproof (The Safegroup), London
Surekil Pest Control Ltd, Surrey
Surrey, Tyne and Wear
Surrey Hills Pest Control, Surrey
Surrey Wasp and Mole, Surrey
Surrey Wildlife & Pest Control, Surrey
Sussex Environmental Pest Solutions, Sussex
Sussex Rural Services, West Sussex
Sussex Wildlife Control, East Sussex
Swansea Pest Control, South Wales
Swift Pest Solutions, West Midlands
SX Environmental Supplies Ltd, Essex


Tactical Environmental Services, Hertfordshire
Tae a Moose Pest Control Services, Lothian
Tamworth Pest Control, Staffordshire
Tan-Y-Lan Fach, Carmarthen
Target Pest Control and Hygiene Ltd, Leicestershire
Telford Pest Control, Shropshire
Tengu Services, Gloucestershire
Terminix UK Ltd, UK
Test Valley Pest Control Ltd. Hampshire
Tewkesbury Pest Solutions, Gloucestershire
The City of Edinburgh Council, Pest control section, Lothians
The Exterminator Pest Control, Essex
The Mole Catcher Pest Control, Suffolk
The Paddock (Pest Control), Essex
The PestAway Group, West Sussex
The Pest Company, North Yorkshire
The Pest Control Brigade, Surrey
The Pest Doctor, ShropshireThe Rat ‘n Mole Man, Shropshire
The Suffolk Pest Control Company, Suffolk
The White Horse Pest Control, Oxon
Three Counties Pest Control Ltd, Devon
Three Rivers District Council, Hertfordshire
Thames Valley Pest Control, Berkshire
Tim Parker, Derbyshire
Titan Pest Control, Cardiff
TJB Pest Control Ltd, Staffordshire
T J Hilton Pest Control, Hampshire
Topline Pest Control Ltd, South Yorkshire
Total IPM, Surrey
Town & Country Environmental Pest Solutions, Wiltshire
Town & Country Pests, Essex
Town & Country Pest Management Ltd, Lancashire
Trafford Council, Greater Manchester
Trente Environmental Solutions Ltd, Halifax
Truly Nolen Pest Prevention & Control, Northern Ireland
TRG Pest Control, Lancashire
Traditional Pest Control, Hampshire
Tudor Pest Control, Hampshire
Tulip Services, Norfolk
Twilight Pest Control, Derbyshire
Tynedale Traditional Animal Control, Northumberland


U C EM Pest Control, Essex
Ultimate Pest Control, Kent
University of Tehran/ and Sustainable agriculture and environment., IRAN
United Pest Control, Merseyside
Urban Pest Control LTD, Dorset
Uttlesford District Council, London


Vale Pest Control, Cardiff
Valley Pest Control Ltd, Devon
Van Vynck Environmental Services Ltd, Essex
Vanish Pest Control, Tyne and Wear
VEM Services, London
Vermaway Pest Control, Surrey
Vermatech Pest Control, Reading
Vermkil, Wiltshire
VermiGo Pest Control, Devon
Vermikil Pest Control Services Limited, Essex
Verminate Pest Control, Wareham
Vermex Limited, Yorkshire
Vermin Control Services, Lincolnshire
Vermin8 Pest Control, West Yorkshire
Verminator Pest Control, Dyfed
Vermtek Pest Control And Estate Services, Gloucestershire
Vermtek Ltd, OXON
Vertaproof, Hampshire
Via Trium Pest Control, Essex
Viking Pest Control Ltd, Beverley
Viper Pest Control, Nottinghamshire
Vital Pest Solutions, Suffolk
VEX Pest Control Ltd, west Yorkshire


Walsh Pest Control, Littlehampton
Wallace Pest Control, Lancashire
Wandering Critters Wildlife Management, Surrey
Waspkill UK, North Somerset
Wealden Bird and Pest Solutions, Kent
WestPest, Scotland
West County Environmental Services, Wiltshire
West Coast Pest Services, Thomas MacIntyre
West Country Pest Control Ltd, Yeovil
West Norfolk Pest Control Limited, Norfolk
Wessex Environmental Services, Yeovil
Wildlife Control Services, Reading
Wildlife Management Association Ltd, Norfolk
Wildlife Management, Suffolk
Wildside Management, Lincolnshire
Wild at Hart, Kent
Williamson Pest Control, Sheffield
Wight Pest Control, Hampshire
Wipeout UK Pest Management, Euxton
Wipe-Out Pest Control, Warwickshire
Wingbeat Bird Control Services, Norfolk
Woody’s Pest Control, Cornwall
Wolverley Organic Pest Control, Kidderminster
WTC Pest Control, Devon


XL Pest, Yeovil


Yorke Pest Control, London
Yorkshire Coast Pest Control, Yorkshire
Yorkshire Pest Control, South Yorkshire
Yorkshire Wildlife Management, North Yorkshire
Young’s Pest Control, Manchester


Zehir Pest Control Ltd, London
Zero Tolerance Pest Control Ltd, West Sussex


1env Solutions Ltd, Essex
1st A Pest Control Service, Kent
1st Kill and Cure Co, Essex
2 Tap Bird and Pest Solutions, Surrey
24.7 Wildlife Management, Warwickshire
911 Pest Control, Cheshire
999 Pest Control ltd, Suffolk